Sunday, June 1, 2008

Some R & R Just Waiting To Happen!

Due to some great luck at discovering our roofing contractor was available for some small work, we hired Veritas again for a deck expansion.  We have lived for years with a teeny tiny deck - just big enough for 2 chairs to sit and enjoy the view of  Perkins and the back yard.  With gas prices on the rise, it makes it tough for us to get to the far-flung areas we enjoy going to for relaxation.  Making the back yard more restful makes much more sense.

I had 'before' pictures, but mistakenly deleted them a moment ago, so you will have to use your imagination.  Here is the deck on day 2.  Day one was spent pouring the footings and figuring out the measurements.  Day 2, as you can see, was spent framing the deck, with joists a foot apart (good for lots of jumping kids).  Speaking of jumping, we will most likely have to rid our yard of our fabulous trampoline.  Looks like the fall area will be too small to be safe.

Underneath the new deck, John and I are talking about building a patio - most likely for the downstairs neighbors.  They now squish themselves into the small area you might be able to make out on the concrete in the picture - by the fence.  It's about a 4' square space that they put 2 chairs and a BBQ.  It would be nice to have them spread out a bit.

We are looking forward to finding deck furniture, umbrellas and such.  We sold out elliptical machine this weekend (with the gym membership, why have it?) and will use that $$ for 'new' stuff off Craig's List.  I was talking with my neighbor this weekend, and found out she went to school with 'Craig'.  Wow.  He's a real person.  Talk about getting your 15 minutes of fame...

So I am busy planting all the plants from last weekend's over-purchase.  I am so busy these days that all I could do with the tomatoes is put them in larger containers until I can find new spaces for them.  Better that than let them dry out and die - they're heirlooms.  The deck will have planters with lettuces and herbs - I can't wait!

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