Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Summer is here and the yard work begins

The sun was shining, and the air was getting warmer.  The weeds have climbed up toward the sky long enough.  It was time.  Definitely time.  The mower came out (attached to a 10 year old looking to earn some cash) followed by the typical yard tools: rake, shovels, trowels, etc.  It was time to get to work.

Sick of looking at the side yard down the driveway all overgrown (and no doubt all our neighbors are sick of it as well), I decided to mulch it heavily to get rid of the weeds for once and for all.  We purchased two lovely blueberry bushes from Home Depot to put in, then I added 2 tomato plants.  The rest are spiderwort and irises.  All day Sunday, I put down newspaper and old decrepit yard-waste bags, wet them thoroughly and covered them with pine mulch.  By Monday, when I wasn't quite finished with my supposedly-small-but-turning-huge side yard job, my family came out to join me.

This is what we began with:

This is why I needed to get going on the preparing of beds:  The Gore Estate Plant Sale.  For those of you gardeners in this area, you know how I drool over this sale every May.  Some of you even get to watch me trip over myself just to get through the aisles of heirloom herbs and flowers - most of which are only $4 each.  I always overbuy, making the following week miserable as I struggle to get it all in the ground without losing anything.  And I never make it.  I always lose something.  But I tell you - it's worth it.  Definitely.

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